
Lapa Wells, Oil World

HOUSTON -- The objective of the French oil company is to expand the production of the field in the pre-salt of the Santos Basin.

Scheduled this year, Lapa's new development campaign in the Santos Basin pre-salt will include drilling four wells in the field, Total told BE Petróleo. According to the company, the works will allow to increase the production of the asset with security.

Campo de Lapa now produces approximately 24,000 bopd from two producing wells connected to the FPSO Cidade de Caraguatatuba. The volume is 40% lower than the one extracted in January 2018, when Total took over the field operation, after negotiating with Petrobras.

Last week, the French oil company completed an intervention campaign in one of the LPA-1D's Lapa wells. Initiated in February, the works consisted in buffering the well, isolating the surface reservoir, and installing underwater equipment (manifold and treecap).

As reported by BE Petróleo, the LPA-1D had a slope above the seabed due to the decoupling of the low and high pressure housings. Although the slope did not compromise safety barriers, the oil company decided to stop the production of the well before abandoning it permanently.

"Total worked with the competent authorities and its partners in the Lapa consortium to carry out this intervention in a successful way," the company said.

As a preventive measure, the ANP had authorized the shutdown of the injector wells in order to avoid increase of pressure in the well during the intervention. According to the agency, these wells have already started to operate again.

The LPA-1D will be one of two wells that Total will abandon in Lapa. The oil company's plan is to abandon the former - which already had a useful life expected to end this year, according to studies of corrosion prepared by Petrobras (former operator of the asset) - in September.

The Lapa consortium comprises Total (35%), Shell (30%), Repsol-Sinopec (25%) and Petrobras (10%).


Coflexip Hose, Halliburton Company.

Halliburton Company menyediakan berbagai layanan dan produk untuk industri hulu minyak dan gas alam di seluruh dunia. Segmen Penyelesaian dan Produksi perusahaan menawarkan layanan peningkatan produksi, termasuk layanan stimulasi dan pengendalian pasir; dan layanan penyemenan, seperti bonding the well, well casing, dan peralatan casing. Ini juga menyediakan alat penyelesaian yang menawarkan solusi dan layanan downhole, termasuk produk dan layanan penyelesaian sumur, penyelesaian sumur cerdas, sistem liner hanger, sistem kontrol pasir, dan peralatan layanan; layanan kontrol tekanan yang terdiri dari tabung melingkar, unit workover hidraulik, dan peralatan lubang downhole; dan layanan pipa dan proses, seperti pra-commissioning dan pemeliharaan, pipa bawah laut, pipa konvensional, dan layanan proses. Selain itu, segmen ini menawarkan produksi dan penyelesaian bahan kimia ladang minyak; pompa submersible listrik dan pompa rongga progresif; dan layanan pemasangan, pemeliharaan, perbaikan, dan pengujian. Segmen Pengeboran dan Evaluasi perusahaan menyediakan sistem cairan pengeboran, aditif kinerja, cairan penyelesaian, kontrol padatan, peralatan pengujian khusus, dan layanan pengelolaan limbah; dan sistem dan layanan pengeboran. Ia juga menawarkan layanan wireline dan perforasi, termasuk penebangan lubang terbuka, dan layanan lubang-lubang dan slickline; dan bor bit dan layanan yang terdiri dari bit batu kerucut rol, bit pemotong tetap, pembesaran lubang, dan alat dan layanan downhole terkait, serta peralatan dan layanan coring. Selain itu, segmen ini menawarkan perangkat lunak eksplorasi, pengeboran, dan produksi terintegrasi, serta layanan profesional dan manajemen data terkait; layanan pengujian dan bawah laut, seperti akuisisi dan analisis informasi reservoir dan solusi optimisasi; dan manajemen proyek ladang minyak dan solusi terintegrasi. Halliburton Company didirikan pada tahun 1919 dan berpusat di Houston, Texas.
RPC, Inc. menyediakan berbagai layanan ladang minyak dan peralatan untuk perusahaan minyak dan gas yang terlibat dalam eksplorasi, produksi, dan pengembangan properti minyak dan gas di Amerika Serikat, Afrika, Kanada, Argentina, Cina, Meksiko, Eropa Timur, Latin Amerika, dan Timur Tengah. Perusahaan beroperasi di dua segmen, Layanan Teknis dan Layanan Dukungan. Segmen Layanan Teknis menawarkan pemompaan bertekanan, patahan, pengasaman, alat downhole, tabung melingkar, snubbing, nitrogen, kontrol sumur, wireline, dan layanan memancing yang digunakan dalam penyelesaian, produksi, dan pemeliharaan sumur minyak dan gas. Segmen Layanan Dukungan menyediakan berbagai alat penyewaan, termasuk pencegah ledakan, manifold tekanan tinggi dan katup, pipa bor Hevi-wate, produk tubing, alat-alat sewaan terkait produksi, pompa, pengalih, pipa bor, kerah bor, alat bantu, selang Coflexip , dan memakai pipa bor Knot yang digunakan untuk kegiatan pengeboran, penyelesaian, dan workover sumur minyak dan gas di darat dan lepas pantai. Ini juga menawarkan inspeksi pipa ladang minyak, dan layanan manajemen dan penyimpanan pipa; dan layanan pelatihan dan konsultasi ladang minyak. RPC, Inc. didirikan pada tahun 1984 dan berkantor pusat di Atlanta, Georgia.

Halliburton Company provides a range of services and products to the upstream oil and natural gas industry worldwide. The companyÂ’s Completion and Production segment offers production enhancement services, including stimulation and sand control services; and cementing services, such as bonding the well, well casing, and casing equipment. It also provides completion tools that offer downhole solutions and services, including well completion products and services, intelligent well completions, liner hanger systems, sand control systems, and service tools; pressure control services comprising coiled tubing, hydraulic workover units, and downhole tools; and pipeline and process services, such as pre-commissioning and maintenance, subsea pipeline, conventional pipeline, and process services. In addition, this segment offers oilfield production and completion chemicals and services; electrical submersible pumps and progressive cavity pumps; and installation, maintenance, repair, and testing services. The companyÂ’s Drilling and Evaluation segment provides drilling fluid systems, performance additives, completion fluids, solids control, specialized testing equipment, and waste management services; and drilling systems and services. It also offers wireline and perforating services, including open-hole logging, and cased-hole and slickline services; and drill bits and services comprising roller cone rock bits, fixed cutter bits, hole enlargement, and related downhole tools and services, as well as coring equipment and services. In addition, this segment offers integrated exploration, drilling, and production software, as well as related professional and data management services; testing and subsea services, such as acquisition and analysis of reservoir information and optimization solutions; and oilfield project management and integrated solutions. Halliburton Company was founded in 1919 and is based in Houston, Texas.
RPC, Inc. provides a range of oilfield services and equipment for oil and gas companies involved in the exploration, production, and development of oil and gas properties in the United States, Africa, Canada, Argentina, China, Mexico, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. The company operates in two segments, Technical Services and Support Services. The Technical Services segment offers pressure pumping, fracturing, acidizing, downhole tools, coiled tubing, snubbing, nitrogen, well control, wireline, and fishing services that are used in the completion, production, and maintenance of oil and gas wells. The Support Services segment provides a range of rental tools, including blowout preventors, high pressure manifolds and valves, Hevi-wate drill pipes, tubing products, production related rental tools, pumps, diverters, drill pipes, drill collars, handling tools, Coflexip hoses, and Wear Knot drill pipes that are used for onshore and offshore oil and gas well drilling, completion, and workover activities. It also offers oilfield pipe inspection, and pipe management and storage services; and oilfield training and consulting services. RPC, Inc. was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.


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Flexible Hoses Well Control Application


PME API 6A API 16A Hammer Union Adapters

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PME Adapter Flange x Weco Union,  9/19"10 M x 3" FIG1502 Female, API 6A Certified

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PME Adapter Flange x Weco Union, 4" 1500 x Weco 2" FIG602 Female, API 6A Certified. 

Coflexip Type Hose pmeindustrial

PME Industrial produce and supply coflexip type hose.  

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It is used to transport of oil, gas, mud and other high pressure media.

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